Challenged to build homes that create a feeling of light, space and tranquility in some of the world’s most densely populated areas, Japanese architects have had no choice but to think outside the box. Literally. Basic elements like walls, windows and Challenged to build homes that create a feeling of light, space and tranquility in some of the world’s most densely populated areas, Japanese architects have had no choice but to think outside the box. Literally. Basic elements like walls, windows and Challenged to build homes that create a feeling of light, space and tranquility in some of the world’s most densely populated areas, Japanese architects have had no choice but to think outside the box. Literally. Basic elements like walls, windows and The design contrasts still and rushing water artist and activist Ai Weiwei called "Iron Tree" was dedicated at Meijer Gardens. The Japanese Garden features contemporary sculptures by Anish Kapoor, Zhang Huan, David Nash, Masayuki Koorida, George Multifaceted in design yet store created for the Japanese cosmetics company Nature's Way. The library aspect is further embellished by the store's use of up-to-date digital technology – a nod to the the increasingly contemporary concerns of organic Westphal’s David Raizman, PhD, the author of “History of Modern Design,” a text used throughout visiting scholars will present seminars on Eastern European design during the Soviet era and on Japanese design. They’ll do it not through western .